Meet Our Team

Fueling the Vision, Navigating the Future

Gabriel Dalton

Founder & CEO

Hemit Patel

Chief Technology Officer

Adam Dahdah

Chief Security Officer

Ethan K. Bùi

Chief Outreach Officer

Albert Stoynov

Frontend Developer

Alex Kubanek

Digital Experience Advisor

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Meet Our Board

Shaping the Vision, Pioneering the Future

Catherine Longul


Nigel Philips


Share Your Skills and Join Our Cause

At Oasis of Change, we thrive on collaboration. Whether you're eager to volunteer your time or contribute specialized expertise, we welcome your support towards our mission. Join us in making a difference today!

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Oasis of Change Inc. is a federally incorporated not-for-profit corporation based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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© Oasis of Change Inc. Proudly made in Canada Canadian Flag and the Republic of Ireland Irish Flag